تصنيع بجوده عاليه وفقا للمعايير الكوريه يعمل فى الاجواء الاستوائيه حتى اقصى درجات الحراره (52) الذى يوفر اداء متميز حتى اقصى درجه حرارة الكباس ( T3 ) تصميم جديد حديث وعصرى شاشه ديج..
High quality manufacturing according to Korean standards It works in tropical climates up to the maximum temperature (52), which provides outstanding performance up to the maximum temperature.&nb..
High quality manufacturing according to Korean standards It works in tropical climates up to the maximum temperature (52), which provides outstanding performance up to the maximum temperature.&nb..
High quality manufacturing according to Korean standards It works in tropical climates up to the maximum temperature (52), which provides outstanding performance up to the maximum temperature.&nb..